We know you have something to say!
Submission Guidelines, Agreements, and Forms down below.
Submission guidelines
750 - 2000 words per written piece
Must be in relation to subject areas that falls within the Carleton PIRG scope or mandate
Include citations and list of sources where relevant
Must be submitted as a Google Drive link (Google document, folder, photo album, etc.). Youtube links are accepted for video submissions, in addition to sending the original file
Links to related work (podcast episode, photo series, video, etc.) will be included at our discretion and can be included with the submission
Submission agreements
That all work submitted is their own and that any work that is referenced within the piece is properly attributed to the author/creator
To not use any discriminatory or hateful language towards a marginalized group of people due to their race, ethnicity, disability, gender, sexuality, religion, citizenship/ immigration status in writing they submit to Carleton PIRG.
To give Carleton PIRG publishing exclusivity for two weeks from the date the piece is posted on the Carleton PIRG blog
To give Carleton PIRG permission to create graphics, infographics, and blog promotional material using your written piece
Carleton PIRG Agrees:
That all creators maintain sole ownership of their work
To attribute any quotes or excerpts taken from the piece to the author and reference the written piece title from which the quote was taken
To protect the anonymity of any writers who chose to publish anonymously or under a pseudonym
To pay creators $50 honoraria per piece when publishing to the blog
Submission form
Thank you for your interest in submitting to the OPIRG Carleton Blog. Before submitting your work, ensure that you have read the submission guidelines and agreements above ahead of time.
Only selected submissions will receive responses, within three weeks of submission.
We are accepting submissions on a rolling basis.