Carleton PIRG


Carleton PIRG is physically located on unceded and unsurrendered Algonquin Anishinaabe territory. We recognize that land acknowledgements without active decolonization efforts are trivial. That is why Carleton PIRG stands with Algonquin organizers in their struggle for land recognition from the Province of Ontario, and works to support and amplify ongoing decolonization struggles across Turtle island.

If you are not based on Algonquin territory we encourage you to find out which land you are on, and engage in actions facilitated by local Indigenous organizers.

Carleton PIRG is a student-led, student-funded non-profit based at Carleton University. We aim to research, educate and provide action on social and environmental justice using a non-hierarchical and consensus based space for students to organize.

Carleton PIRG is able to continuously respond to the needs of Carleton students and the wider organizing community through our Programming, Research, Campaigns, and the work of our incredible Working Groups!